Saturday 29 December 2012

Time to break out

The new year is almost upon us and the holiday is about to end.
It's time for I-man-I to break out in a new city in a new country with a new audience.
This was tried in Australia but the industry didn't get the message nor did they have the vision.
This was tried in the USA the industry aknowledged what we had but weren't going to become involved. This is how one knows they are a threat to the established industry. A case of out of sight out mind, the only problem with that is we were in plain sight but unsupported, the only people aside from my friend and business partner Michael BJammin Johnson and associates that could see anything only saw the green dragon as they were not a business related part of what was going on so jealousy ruled their every breath.
In 1995 I registered the band ImanI as a business in the state of Colorado, USA.
With Michael in 2003 we built and registered three corporations in the state of Colorado, USA - one is a think tank, the second a sound production L.L.C. to support the band I-man-I and the third is our non-profit to assist and help better the lives of all peoples associated and non with what we aim to achieve. The only source of funding is donations through sales of our products - so we do not favour nor harbour special interests or groups, this is part of our mandate.
Anyone we tried to involve would see themselves as larger than the project or as the main item, sound rediculous - this is human nature of the envious. Instead of looking at what they could contribute they would devise a way to make the whole project fail once they realised they were not the shining light, why would they be.
Now I am in my home country, a new city with more vibrant and enthused people musically, who enjoy music as part of their life and not the sound track or background music to their social out goings, as was the case in the USA. I am putting the band together with new players, new ideas and new attitudes.
Through my endeavours on stage and in studios whilst living in N.S.W, Australia I became an elected Writer/Full Member of the Australasian Performing Right Association in 1982.
I now hold in December 2012 what has accumulated into 459 copyrights, 13 new genre rock opera's and 3 operetta's, having composing 99.9% of the music, authored 95% of the lyric/vocal content, I ideated/created 100% of the product and project.
I very carefully selected my business partner and associates - people who expressed the same or similar visions without being prompted. We know there are others out there so this should be an immense journey for one and all.

2013 is going to be our year, our break out year so hold onto your ears and get ready for the new sound that is I-man-I, it will be coming at you and it will be in your face.

We'll see you out there...........................................................

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